About the project

RecoLATIN – Credential Evaluation Centres and Recognition Procedures in Latin American Countries

The RecoLATIN project aims at favouring and increasing the quality of vertical and horizontal mobility within the Latin American and European higher education systems by increasing the recognition of qualifications within the Latin American and European Region.

The project partners intend to improve their competences and skills as credential evaluators defining common practices and creating common tools among the participating European and Latin American countries, National Bodies and Higher Education Institutions. Based on the experiences within the Bologna Process, the experience of the participating Higher Education Institutions and practices adopted by the ENIC-NARIC networks this project should strengthen and increase the collaboration of both regions.

In addition to facilitating mutual trust and understanding, the RecoLATIN project allows the sharing of relevant information on educational systems of both regions. Activities such as the analysis of the practices applied in each country, the analysis of the mobility flows among both regions, and training on recognition practices grant better understanding of the needs of each participating country.

A specific focus will be put on controversial recognition cases and sectors such as transnational education (TNE) and international institutions, distant learning qualifications and non-traditional education.

Main project activities

  • Online and face-to-face training for government officials from Mexico, Panama and Uruguay to provide them with knowledge on Euopean higher education systems, recognition practices and National Recognition Centres;
  • Elaboration of National Reports on the education systems, official Higher Education Institutions, study programmes, qualifications and peculiarities of Mexico, Panama and Uruguay, with the aim of facilitating the circulation of clear and complete information, which is useful both for credential evaluators and students;
  • Online and face-to-face training for university staff from Mexico, Panama and Uruguay to foster their capacity in academic recognition procedures and increase the cooperation among universities;
  • Elaboration of guidelines for the evaluation of non-traditional, cross-border or trans-national education and distance learning institutions and their qualifications in order to foster up-to-date recognition practices that can be applied even to latest and cutting-edge education methods;
  • Elaboration and practice-sharing of procedures for the recognition of refugees’ qualifications;
  • Promotion and sharing of the project final results through two final conferences in Italy and Mexico in 2019.